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Your daily horoscope: January 14, 2025

  HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY If your current way of working does not seem to be taking you closer to your goals then ditch it completely and start over. New technologies such as artificial intelligence could help you immensely this year, IF you have the intelligence to use them wisely. ARIES (March 21 - April 20): There is a lot of pressure building up in your life at the moment but that’s okay because you thrive on being challenged. When the going gets tough Aries is the first sign to get tough in return and today will be no exception. TAURUS (April 21 - May 21): You may be in two minds about what direction you should be taking but what occurs over the next 24 hours will point the way and all you have to do is follow the lead that the universe gives you. Get past your doubts and get moving. GEMINI (May 22 - June 21): If you start something new today it will take up a lot more time and energy than you expected, so think about it carefully and make sure you will be able to...

How to Save Money on Your Taxes with Federal Benefits and Credits

Tax season is here and you may be wondering how to get the most out of your tax return. Depending on your income and situation, you may be eligible for various federal benefits and credits that can reduce the amount of tax you have to pay or even give you a refund.

Some of these benefits and credits are tax-free, meaning you don’t have to report them on your tax return. Others are refundable, meaning they can lower your tax bill or increase your refund. Here are some of the most common ones and how to claim them:

  • Canada Child Benefit (CCB): This is a tax-free monthly payment for eligible families with children under 18. You don’t need to apply for it, but you do need to file your tax return every year to keep receiving it. The amount you get depends on your income, the number of children you have, and their ages.
  • GST/HST Credit: This is a tax-free quarterly payment for low- and modest-income individuals and families to offset the GST or HST they pay. You don’t need to apply for it, but you do need to file your tax return every year to be automatically considered for it. The amount you get depends on your income, marital status, and the number of children you have.
  • Canada Workers Benefit (CWB): This is a refundable tax credit for working individuals and families with low income. You can claim it on your tax return and get a portion of it in advance through the Advanced Canada Workers Benefit (ACWB). The amount you get depends on your income, marital status, province of residence, and disability status.
  • Other Deductions, Credits, and Expenses: There are many other deductions, credits, and expenses you can claim on your tax return to reduce your taxable income or increase your refund. Some examples are medical expenses, charitable donations, tuition fees, disability tax credit, home office expenses, and more. You can find a full list of them on the Canada Revenue Agency website.

To get the benefits and credits you deserve, you need to do your taxes on time every year, even if you have no income or your income is tax-exempt. You also need to keep your personal information, such as your address, marital status, and number of children, up to date with the CRA. You can use online tools and services, such as It’s My Life!, to help you estimate your benefits and credits and plan your finances.

Remember, doing your taxes can save you money and help you access other programs and services that can improve your health and well-being. Don’t miss this opportunity to make the most of your tax return!


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