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Your daily horoscope: January 14, 2025

  HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY If your current way of working does not seem to be taking you closer to your goals then ditch it completely and start over. New technologies such as artificial intelligence could help you immensely this year, IF you have the intelligence to use them wisely. ARIES (March 21 - April 20): There is a lot of pressure building up in your life at the moment but that’s okay because you thrive on being challenged. When the going gets tough Aries is the first sign to get tough in return and today will be no exception. TAURUS (April 21 - May 21): You may be in two minds about what direction you should be taking but what occurs over the next 24 hours will point the way and all you have to do is follow the lead that the universe gives you. Get past your doubts and get moving. GEMINI (May 22 - June 21): If you start something new today it will take up a lot more time and energy than you expected, so think about it carefully and make sure you will be able to...

9 Canadian Tax Credits You Could Claim When Filing This Year

Tax season is upon us, and it’s time to start thinking about filing your taxes. While it can be a daunting task, there are several tax credits that you might not know about that could help you save money. Here are nine Canadian tax credits that you could claim when filing this year:

  1. Canada Training Credit: This refundable tax credit is available to help Canadians with the cost of eligible training fees. You can claim the CTC on your income tax and benefit return for tuition and other fees paid for courses you took in 2023. To claim the CTC, you must meet all of these conditions: you were a resident in Canada for all of 2023, you were at least 26 years old and less than 66 years old at the end of the year, and you have a CTC limit for 2023 on your latest notice of assessment or reassessment for 2022. The maximum amount you can claim for the CTC is $5,000 in a lifetime.

  2. Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit: This non-refundable tax credit is available to individuals who renovate their home to accommodate a senior living with them. The credit is worth up to $10,000 and can be claimed by either the senior or the individual who owns the home.

  3. Canada Workers Benefit: This refundable tax credit is available to low-income workers. It is designed to supplement the income of individuals who are working but earning a low income. The maximum amount you can claim for the CWB is $1,381 for single individuals without children and $2,335 for families.

  4. Donations and Gifts: This non-refundable tax credit is available to individuals who make charitable donations or gifts. The credit is worth up to 29% of the total amount donated.

  5. Interest Paid on Your Student Loans: This non-refundable tax credit is available to individuals who have paid interest on their student loans. The credit is worth up to 15% of the total amount of interest paid.

  6. Canada Caregiver Credit: This non-refundable tax credit is available to individuals who provide care to a dependent with a physical or mental impairment. The credit is worth up to $7,276.

  7. Disability Tax Credit: This non-refundable tax credit is available to individuals with disabilities. The credit is worth up to $8,576 and can be claimed by the individual with the disability or their supporting person.

  8. Digital News Subscription Tax Credit: This non-refundable tax credit is available to individuals who subscribe to digital news outlets. The credit is worth up to $500 and can be claimed for subscriptions to eligible digital news outlets.

  9. Medical Expenses: This non-refundable tax credit is available to individuals who have incurred medical expenses. The credit is worth up to 15% of the total amount of eligible medical expenses.


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