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Your daily horoscope: February 5

                   HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY Aquarius is one of the zodiac’s fixed signs, which means you don’t change your ways often. This year, however, you must learn to be more adaptable, especially where new technology and new techniques are concerned. Don’t get stuck in the past. ARIES (March 21 - April 20): You must resist going to extremes over the next 24 hours, because if you allow the overly assertive side of your nature to take over you will almost certainly provoke a backlash. Venus in your sign should make it easier to avoid excessive behaviour. TAURUS (April 21 - May 21): Uranus in your sign means you will enjoy shocking people by saying and doing things that seem to be at odds with your easygoing nature. Just remember that while it may be a huge joke to you not everyone will be amused by your antics. GEMINI (May 22 - June 21): Although an upheaval of some kind is likely today it won’t be too traumatic and...

Navigating Social Media Safely: Tips for Parents and Kids


Social media has become an integral part of teenagers’ lives, but it also raises concerns for parents. Here are some essential guidelines to help protect your kids online:

  1. Age Considerations: While there’s no magical age, experts recommend waiting until at least 13 before allowing kids on social media platforms. However, consider individual maturity levels and readiness.

  2. Privacy Awareness: Teach your child to protect their privacy by:

    • Avoiding friend requests from strangers.
    • Keeping account passwords secure and changing them regularly.
    • Not sharing passwords, even with friends.
  3. Monitor and Discuss: Regularly check your child’s social media activity. Engage in open conversations about their experiences online.

  4. Model Healthy Use: Be a positive role model by demonstrating responsible social media behavior.

  5. Social Media Literacy: Educate your child about recognizing fake news, cyberbullying, and the impact of their online presence.

Remember, staying informed and maintaining open communication are key to ensuring a safe digital environment for your family. 


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