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Your daily horoscope: January 14, 2025

  HOROSCOPES IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDAY If your current way of working does not seem to be taking you closer to your goals then ditch it completely and start over. New technologies such as artificial intelligence could help you immensely this year, IF you have the intelligence to use them wisely. ARIES (March 21 - April 20): There is a lot of pressure building up in your life at the moment but that’s okay because you thrive on being challenged. When the going gets tough Aries is the first sign to get tough in return and today will be no exception. TAURUS (April 21 - May 21): You may be in two minds about what direction you should be taking but what occurs over the next 24 hours will point the way and all you have to do is follow the lead that the universe gives you. Get past your doubts and get moving. GEMINI (May 22 - June 21): If you start something new today it will take up a lot more time and energy than you expected, so think about it carefully and make sure you will be able to...

Ontario Caps Daycare Fees at $22 for Children Under 6


In a significant move to make child care more affordable, the Ontario government has announced that starting in January 2025, parent fees for children under the age of six in Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care (CWELCC) programs will be capped at $22 per day. This fee reduction is expected to result in additional savings of nearly $300 million in 2025 for families.

The new funding model also introduces a cost-based approach for operators in the CWELCC program, prioritizing stability and predictability. Families facing the highest fees, particularly those with young children in less affordable communities, will see the largest fee reductions.

This initiative aims to provide more stability and predictability to child-care centers, ultimately helping reduce lengthy wait-lists and supporting parents as they enter the workforce with peace of mind.


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